This is a Tunnels and Trolls adventure in the Castle Calahony series.

The castle has a small weapon store. The shop is run by Ilioa, Sorens
youngest daughter.
You can buy:
A small round shield, taking 2 hits, costing 10 GP.
A short sabre, doing 3d+1, requiring a str of 8 and dex of 8, costing only
55 GP.
A dirk, doing 2d+1, requiring str 2 dex 4 (10 for throwing), costing 10
A sling, with 25 stones, 4 GP, requiring a strength of 3 and a dexterity
of 5.
A leather helmet, taking 1 hit, costing 10 gold pieces
A leather jacket, taking 2 hits, costing 30 gold pieces
100 feet of hemp rope, 5 Gps.
All items bear the coat of arms of knight Soren. Ilioa explains
that this will help the peasants recognize you, and beat fear in the heart
of your enemies. Buy anything if you wish.
The shop also offers scrap prices for old weapons:
orcish scimitars: 2 Gps
orcish scimitar: 1 Gp
Sell anything you0s like te et rid off.
Then go to sleep and start the next day fresh.