This is a Tunnels and Trolls adventure in the Castle Calahony series.
Opponents chart.
This adventure has a limited number of opponents (sometimes called monsters, but who is a monster? An naga priest of a serpent cult for summoning a giant snake monster? Or Truman for ordering Naga?)
To prevent playing this adventure indefenitely, opponents grow tougher gradually. Every time you are ordered to roll a new orc, go to this section and follow the orders to make a new one. In the end this adventure will grow to tough for your group.
Note that this applies to any group. If you start this adventure with
a new group, they may start afresh.
(alternately, you may send in a new group and continue with the old
adventurers, giving more experienced characters a challenge).
Yes, you can meet goblins in the moors. Whether a small tribe of goblins has recently settled into the moors, or that they have come as allies of the orcs is not clear.
Str 8 - Pow 7.
IQ 8
Lk 13
Con 8
Dx 14
Ch 6
(and speed 13)
They come armed with a spear (2d + 3) which can also be thrown, a simple
round shield taking 4 hits in combat, a leather jacket taking 5 hits. These
hits are TOTAL, after these hits, whether in 1 or 10 combat rounds, they
are simply shreds.
They also carry a sling with a pouch of 25 sharp stones, and a rusty
sword doing 3d-1 in combat. The sword requires a strength of 5 and a dexterity
of 9 to handle. No second hand weaponshop will take the sword, allthough
the spears are pretty good and are worth 5 Gps on the second hand market.
Every next goblin you roll up has one of his attributes raised with 1 point.
Giant bees
The first swarm has a Monster rating of 75.
Every next swarm has a MR which is 25 higher than the previous.
Mountain orcs are among the most common opponents in the Castle Calahonies series. Living in the inhospitable Mourning Mountains, they often raid the Kingdom and rob the peasants. The city orcs are among their staunchest opponents.
Mountain orc:
St 14
IQ 9
Con 12
Lk 7
Dex 11
Chr 5
(and speed 13)
The mountain orc is armed with 1 scimitar, worth 3d+1 in combat. It
requires a dex of 10 and strength of 11 to wield. He has a sling, doing
2d-1 of damage, 20 round stones and a dirk worth 2d +1. This requires a
dex of 7 and a strength of 5.
His armour consists of a leather cap (1 hit), a leather jacket (2 hits)
and a leather shield (2 hits). This makes a total armour of 5 hits per
combat turn. Armour will slowly detoriate: every 3 hits it absorbs deminishes
it with 1 point.
Now print this page. Every time you are ordered to roll up one or more mountain orcs, roll 1 die. Than add 1 point to the corresponding attribute.
Orc 1: You roll a 5, so you add 1 point to his dexterity, giving an
orc with ST 14, IQ 9, CON 12, LK 7, DEX 12, CHR 5.
Orc 2: You roll a 3, so you add 1 point to his constitution, giving
an orc with ST 14, IQ 9, CON 13, LK 7, DEX 12, CHR 5.
Orc 3: You roll a 5 again, so you add 1 point to his dexterity, giving
an orc with ST 14, IQ 9, CON 12, LK 7, DEX 13, CHR 5.
And so on. The first orc you roll up, has 100 skill points in the use
of the scimitar. The next 1 you roll up has 150 skill points, the third
200 skill points, and so on.
Mountain Orcs have 1 GP to start with. Every next orc will have 3 Sps more than the previous one rolled up. Thus the 2nd one carries 1 Gold piece and 3 Silver pieces. The 3rd one has 1 Gold piece and 6 silver pieces. The 4th has 1 Gp and 9 Sp. The fifth has 2 Gps and 1 Sp (10 Sp = 1 Gp).
They aren't rich in money (if they had a decent amount of money, they'd have bribed their chieftain for a more interesting assignment).
Roll 2 dice. If they come up 12, they carry 1 magical item. Roll 2 dice to find out which:
die 1 | die 2 | weapon |
1 | 1-3 | His scimitar glows in the dark when elves are near. |
1 | 4-6 | His scimitar glows in the dark when dwarves are near. |
2 | 1-3 | A ring adding 2 to the combat total when fighting with a scimitar. |
2 | 4-6 | A ring adding 4 to the combat total when fighting with a scimitar. |
3 | 1-3 | A ring adding 6 to the combat total when fighting with a scimitar. |
3 | 4-6 | A ring absorbing 3 hits when fighting with a scimitar and shield against a short sabre. |
4 | 1-2 | His shaman cast a Vorpal Blade on it this morning, making it double
value for the first 5 combat rounds when fighting against humans.
When you slay him, you may take the scimitar but the spell is over, and does not work a second combat. His shaman cast a a only-once spell on it. |
4 | 3-4 | His shaman cast a Vorpal Blade on it this morning, making it double
value for the first 5 combat rounds when fighting against elves.
When you slay him, you may take the scimitar but the spell is over, and does not work a second combat. His shaman cast a a only-once spell on it. |
4 | 5-6 | His shaman cast a Vorpal Blade on it this morning, making it double
value for the first 5 combat rounds when fighting against dwarves.
When you slay him, you may take the scimitar but the spell is over, and does not work a second combat. His shaman cast a a only-once spell on it. |
5 | 1-2 | His shaman cast a Whammy on it this morning, making it triple value for the first 3 combat rounds when fighting against dwarves. |
5 | 3-4 | His shaman cast a Whammy on it this morning, making it triple value for the first 3 combat rounds when fighting against dwarves. |
5 | 5-6 | His shaman cast a Whammy on it this morning, making it triple value for the first 3 combat rounds when fighting against dwarves. |
6 | 1-2 | This scimitar has permanent double value when fighting against humans. |
6 | 3-4 | This scimitar has permanent double value when fighting against elves. |
6 | 5-6 | This scimitar has permanent double value when fighting against dwarves. |
NOTE: Orcs carrying a magic weapon will, when you split melee up in individual combat, ALWAYS make sure that their weapon has maximum effect. You may NOT make an orc with a scimitar taking extra effect against humans, make fight a dwarf if there is also a human in your company.
Mud men
These horrible creatures spewn forth by the moors have:
Str 14 / Pow 14.
IQ 6
Lk 10
Con 15
Dx 8
Ch -18
(and speed 4)
They carry a bludgeon doing 3d of damage. Every next mud man you create has one attribute raised by 1 point (Roll 1d6 to find out which). The first mud man has some money: 1 Gp. The 2nd one has a treasure of 1,5 Gps. The 3rd one has a treasure of 2 Gps. and so on.
MR 5. Every next elemental has its MR increased by 5.
Sniff priest
The Sniff priests are humans, and living among both humans and mountain orc. They worship Sniff, a snake god, and little is known about their religion. They pursue their aims with fanatism, and are confronted by the white magic users council.
Str 9 - Pow 9.
IQ 13
Lk 10
Con 8
Dx 12
Ch 9
(and speed 11)
Their main extra spell is a level 1 spell, costing strength 5, and enabling
to change a magic staff to be changed in a poisonous viper of MR equal
to IQ of the caster. Duration: 6 combat rounds. This spell can be raised
in level, effecting time OR monster rating.
Like the mountain orc, the next Sniff priest you roll up has one random
attribute increased by 1. If you roll 1, increase just Power, not strength.
Now roll 1 die to find his level:
1-3: first level.
4-5: second level: add 5 temporarily to IQ (not carried over to the
next priest you roll up)
6: third level priest: add 10 temporarily to IQ, and 8 to dexterity.
A Sniff priest carries 2 made shift magic staffs, usually just enchanted
twigs, to be changed in vipers. He also carries 3d of silver pieces. Finally
you roll 2 dice. Add the level of the priest.
If the result is 13+, roll 1 other die:
1: a ring adding 1d to Strength.
2 a ring adding 1d to IQ
3: a ring taking 1d of hits when inflicted with TTYF.
4: a ring doubling the first TTYF spell he casts.
5: a ring doubling IQ when casting the spell 'Little Viper'
6: nothing.
The priests also carry a bit of money. The first priest you roll up
has a treasure of 5 Gps. The next one has a treasure of 5 + 1d6 Gps. The
3rd one has a treasure of the second one + 1d6 Gps. the 4th priest carries
treasure equal to the 3rd one + 1d6 Gps.
These skeletons have
Str 18
Lk 18
Dx 18
Cn 6
Combat adds: +18.
For each next skeleton, add 1d6 to either str, lck or dex: your choice.
Armour 10 hits.
Roll 1 die to find their weapon:
1 : Sword 6d+3 doubled against humans
2 : Sword 6d+3 doubled against dwarves
3 : Sword 6d+3 doubled against Elves
4 : Axe 6d+3 doubled against humans
5 : Axe 6d+3 doubled against dwarves
6 : Axe 6d+3 doubled against elves
Roll 1 die for each of them to find a magical item:
1 : Ring tripling strength
2 : Ring tripling luck
3 : Ring tripling dexterity
4 : Ring absorbing 100 Hits of TTYF
5 : Ring disabling Vorbal blades and Whammies on opponents weapon
6 : Ring making bearer invulnerable (1000 hits) for 1 combat round
in every fight.
The swamp trolls have immigrated recently from the mountains, and the
first one is:
Str 72
Lk 13
Cn 68
Dx 12
Combat adds: +114.
He swings a large tree trunk as a bludgeon doing 12d6 damage. Its tough
skin takes 12 hits per turn.
He carries 3d6 of Gps as treasure.
Every next Troll has 1d6 added to either Strength or Constitution.
At occasional times the fog in these mores takes on the form of a beautiful lady in a red dress. Every male (no effect on females) feels so much attracted that he starts walking towards her. No prblem, but the mud.... To resist, make a SR on either IQ or Con. Your choice. The level of the SR is determned by the charisma of the sucubus. She starts with a charisma of 21. Every next time you meet her the charisma is raiased by 1.
The level of the SR: Subtract 15 from her charisma, and divide by 5. Round down.
Those who miss the SR (remember the minimum of 5 on two dice) will drown
in the moors..... unless one of their comrades can save them. If one of
your characters is female, or has made the SR, this character may make
one attempt te restrain one of the victims. Make a SR on strength to pull
the victim back. The SR on strength must be made at a level determined
in the same way. (divide strength of victim by 5 after subtracting 15).