This is a Tunnels and Trolls adventure in the Castle Calahony series.

small island

You encounter a wandering monster, roll 1 six sided die to find out which one:
1: A mud elemental
2: A sucubus
3: A swamp troll
4: Slime Monster MR- 25 If the slime monster gets 5 or more hits on your armor (if you have any) then your armor can take half damage for the remainder of the day due to the slime detereorating your armor.
5: Deformed Alligator MR- 23 If the deformed alligator gets a hit on an adventurer roll 1d6. 1-3: nothing happens. 4-6: you become deformed. Your I.Q. and DEX ar halfed for 5 turns, and then you grow back into place.
6: Mushroom Monster MR- 30 You must always roll on my mushroom monster reaction chart. Reaction Chart:(roll 1d6) 1-3: the monster becomes friendly and becomes a member of your party. 4: roll 1d6. on a roll of 5 or 6 it will attack, otherwise it flees. 5: roll 1d6. If any # but a 1 is rolled it will attack. 6: automatic attack. They speak Common language.

Return to where you came from.